Swiss Mafia shows its presence: and the wolf must die

Four years ago, I published this video of the Oscar winner Gabriele Salvatores who for "Almo Nature" in 2015 signed this contemporary fairy tale that has man, wolf and dog as protagonists. A nice short video to show how to feel compassion and respect towards all other species…But sadly, Switzerland is unable to show respect, …

Isn’t over… biodiversity is still in danger

It was a decisive weekend for biodiversity in our little Switzerland. This doesn't mean that the problems for some species of animals are over. There will always be hunters aware that in order to practice their bloodthirsty "sport", they will kill pregnant ungulates or undersized one’s mistaking them for some other species... they will kill …

Chiediamo una Fase 2 sostenibile * Wir fragen um eine nachhaltige Phase 2 * Nous demandons une Phase 2 écologiquement responsable Autrici: Verena Sommer e Dapne Mattai del Moro [version française en bas de la page] [Deutsche Übersetzung unten] Ringraziamo il Governo e tutti gli organi preposti coinvolti per il l'impegno ed il lavoro svolto fino ad oggi e fin dall'inizio dell'evento epocale che stiamo vivendo. Le decisioni prese richiedono molto lavoro, riflessione, un’enorme responsabilità …

Responsible Multinationals * Multinazionali responsabili

at this link the documented scandals (language F-D-I)   In recent days, in German-speaking Switzerland, the lobby of multinationals began massively spreading untruths on the internet. With their huge campaign budget (more than 8 million in total), they publish online ads everywhere in order to attract voters on their campaign site, abused as an independent …

“Fase finale: non c’è possibilità di ritorno”

(English) To order the publication with my short contribution La generazione precedente, la mia per intenderci, ha originato una situazione climatica instabile che è esplosa all'improvviso in una vera e propria emergenza globale. È stata un'onda d'urto, uno shock tale da scuotere in modo irreversibile le generazioni dei più giovani, ma non solo loro. È …

Saturday September 28th. 2019: I was there, in the Federal Square Bern

        100,000 participants: they were so numerous that only a part was able to enter the large square, in front of the imposing Federal Palace where decisions of vital importance are made, for Switzerland, but not only. In 19 days Switzerland will vote: with this strike, the people have shown that a …

Let’s start reducing the consumption of meat * iniziamo a ridurre il consumo di carne

(c) picture  Bruno Raselli Claudine published article on  Corriere del Ticino 6.9.2019 It is always very tender to see cows with beautiful horns, grazing among our beautiful pine-covered mountains, then further on, you can also see some streaks of snow that have survived the rise in temperature. It is also tender to read that over …

Amazonia: the planet’s lung is burning   The Amazon is being cleared to grow soybeans. That soy is almost exclusively harvested and exported to feed livestock on factory farms around the world, an easy and cheap way to feed animals and get them fat for slaughter quickly. It is the world’s appetite for beef that is fuelling the fires in …

Abbiamo bisogno di un cambiamento * We badly need a change

Negli ultimi mesi sono apparsi diversi sondaggi sulle preoccupazioni della popolazione svizzera nonché alcune previsioni elettorali per le nazionali per prossimo autunno. Il clima risulta essere tra le preoccupazioni maggiori, perciò era data una discreta avanzata dei due partiti ambientalisti. La conferma dei sondaggi è arrivata lo scorso fine settimana nel rinnovo dei poteri del …

Animal trade for medicine purpose?

Post taken from:   Serbian Animals Voice (SAV)   &   venus2407 World Animals Voice   Who heard their scream, thinks of children’s voices. Fear of death, wounding and desperate children’s voices. Collarbears release these terrible screams twice a day. If they still have the strength. Bile juice is taken twice a day in an unbearable procedure. For this …

175 Signs-of-Justice from Around the Globe

by Stacey Source Veganism: A Truth Whose Time Has Come Posted by M. (known as) “Butterflies” Katz     See all the pictures at this link-page: Stand united against ALL oppression and injustice. In these brilliant signs from around the world, you’ll see many of the messages state that all oppression and injustice is connected. The signs …

Clean Up Day…but it shoudn’t be necessary!

To gather the garbage that others throw carelessly into nature... is certainly a very altruistic and admirable gesture. Even more beautiful would be if people brought respect to Nature, avoiding to throw around every kind of crap! We collected two rusty bicycles, computer parts, road signs, table pedestals, eternit plates (with asbestos) in addition to …

Conference of the WWF Sections Switzerland * Conferenza delle sezioni WWF 2018

Once a year, all the Swiss WWF Sections meet to discuss topics and strategies, put priorities and get updated about the many projects going on especially in our Country. This weekend, I had the Chance to attend with my husband, President of the Swiss Italian part, and himself a "volunteer" too. After the greetings of …

Environmental imbalance and biodiversity * Disequilibrio ambientale e biodiversità

The philosopher Carlo Sini has simplified the problem of biodiversity decline by stating that it is a disequilibrium between "prey" and "predators" that in the long run will cause the collapse of an entire ecosystem. But what is an ecosystem, also called an ecological unit? It is a set of living organisms of plants and …

Question of conscience? Not only… questione di coscienza? Non solo…

In recent years, despite the wisdom of age, I have often confronted myself with difficult situations that have put a strain on my tolerance and patience. I think it happens to everyone, sooner or later. Perhaps, it is a question of acute sensitivity or progressive intolerance.  I procrastinate writing on the blog, to avoid disturbing …

Protecting the swiss alps with blankets * coperte sul ghiacciaio del Rodano

The blankets covering part of the Rhône Glacier are inexpensive polyester fleece. Photograph by James Balog, National Geographic Read the whole article on National Geographic! Good, I'm a Swiss citizen and quite worried about what is happening, not only on our alps but all over the world. Should we cover the entire north and south …