175 Signs-of-Justice from Around the Globe


Source Veganism: A Truth Whose Time Has Come
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See all the pictures at this link-page:

Stand united against ALL oppression and injustice. In these brilliant signs from around the world, you’ll see many of the messages state that all oppression and injustice is connected. The signs speak of animal rights, women’s rights, racial rights, human rights, LGBT rights, climate justice,  gun reform, nonviolence, veganism, as well as the intersectionality of all oppression / discrimination. Each  
is a gem with a specific message, so enjoy them all.
175 beautiful photos to show that you can… make the difference!
Stare uniti contro ogni oppressione e ingiustizia. In questi brillanti segni provenienti da tutto il mondo, vedrete molti messaggi affermare che tutte le oppressioni e le ingiustizie sono collegate. I cartelloni parlano di diritti degli animali, diritti delle donne, diritti razziali, diritti umani, diritti LGBT, giustizia climatica, riforma delle armi, nonviolenza, veganismo e intersezione di ogni oppressione / discriminazione. Ogni cartellone è una gemma con un messaggio specifico, quindi goditeli tutti.
175 belle foto a dimostrare che si può… fare la differenza!
United Kingdom Animal Rights March

Amsterdam – Animal Rights March 2018

Los Angeles Animal Rights March 2017
United Kingdom Animal Rights March 2017
Animal Rights Activist, James Aspey wearing his sign.
Animal Rights March 2018 London
Animal Rights March San Diego 2018 – photo credit: Ana Levley
New York City Animal Rights March 2018 ~ Photo: VeganNewsNow
Berlin, Germany – Animal Rights March 2018 – Photo: Daniela Zysk 
Hong Kong Animal March
Auckland, New Zealand – Animal Rights March 2018



London 2016
Melbourne, Australia
End Animal Experimentation
Jews and Arabs march together for Animal Rights and Veganism
People’s Climate March
‘Friends of Animals ‘ Anti-Fur March in New York 
Signs in Arabic and Hebrew at the Arab-Jewish march for Animal Rights
Animal Rights / Global Warming Protest
Animal Rights Protest
Hansen and Goodman at P.E.T.A. Protest of Animal Experiments
VeganEasy Protest – Australia
London, U.K.
Melbourne, Australia
Northwest Animal Rights Network Protest
Animal Rights March – New York
U.K. Animal Rights March founded by Surge
DxE Protest California
Animal Rights March 2017
vegan/animal rights march
Animal Rights March – Miami – 2017 
Vegan Shift Parade Columbus, Ohio
Animal Rights March London 2016
The world’s largest Animal Rights March – Tel Aviv – 2017
Dublin, Ireland
March to Close all Slaughterhouses – Münster, Germany
Anti-Animal Experimentation – Dunedin, New Zealand
United Kingdom Demonstration
Animal Rights March 2018 – Philippines

Scotland – Animal Rights March 2018

Animal Rights March 2018 – 10,000 protesters marched through London
100 Vegan Doctors rallied in front of the white house in Washington, D.C.
Los Angeles Animal Rights March 2018

Photo credit: Karen Denton 


One Reply to “”

  1. It’s amazing how many comments/considerations I got! HEY people, I know this is a really hard discussion to get into, but I’m positively sure that some of you are thinking seriously about that. You see, when you turn away your eye telling yourself “bullshit, this isn’t my concern” actually you do turn away your face to future… to the next generations (the consumption of flesh is damaging the planet)… not only to the fact that what we call “animals” are sentient beings as we are!!! and they do terribly suffer, just as we do… Think about that, have a lovely weekend :-)claudine

    È incredibile quanti commenti/considerazioni ho ricevuto! HEY gente, so che questa è una discussione davvero difficile da affrontare, ma sono sicura che qualcuno di voi stia pensando seriamente a questo. Vedete, quando distolgliete lo sguardo dicendovi “cazzate, questa non è la mia preoccupazione” in realtà si gira la faccia al futuro… alle generazioni future (il consumo di carne sta danneggiando il pianeta)… non solo per il fatto che quelli che chiamiamo “animali” sono esseri senzienti come noi!!! e soffrono terribilmente, proprio come noi soffriamo… Pensateci, buon fine settimana 🙂 claudine

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